Exercises to improve long back and short legs

A long back and short legs can make the body appear unbalanced and make choosing outfits more challenging. If you are experiencing this issue, try the exercises to improve a long back and short legs compiled by HeightGrowthBlog below.

To increase the length of your legs, helping to balance the upper and lower body, you can practice the following exercises:

Swimming – Exercise to Improve Long Back and Short Legs

Swimming is one of the best exercises for those who want to add length to their legs. When swimming, we engage in forward propulsion, stimulating the development of arm and leg joints. Maintaining a swimming routine over time, it’s not difficult to notice a more balanced body, significantly reducing the discrepancy in length between the back and legs.

Dryland Swimming – Exercise to Improve Long Back and Short Legs

This exercise primarily targets your lower back and hips, engaging the upper body smoothly, maximizing the extension of the skeletal muscle system, thereby increasing the length of the lower body, making your legs appear significantly longer.

How to do it:

  • Lie face down on a mat, arms extended forward, legs straight.
  • Use force to lift your right arm and left leg, pulling your body to maximum tension, hold the position for 5 seconds.
  • Lower your right arm and left leg, lift your left arm and right leg, hold for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat 7-10 times on each side.
The dryland swimming exercise helps improve long back and short legs.

The dryland swimming exercise helps improve long back and short legs.

Pull-Up Bar Exercises – Exercise to Improve Long Back and Short Legs

In the hanging position on a pull-up bar, the body is fully stretched, minimizing the pressure on the spine, providing ample space for growth, thereby stimulating height growth. The lower body is not affected by weight, allowing the leg bones to relax and develop to their maximum, increasing the length of your legs. Therefore, this is an exercise for improving long back and short legs that cannot be ignored.

How to perform:

  • Jump up high, gripping the pull-up bar tightly, hands shoulder-width apart, legs relaxed or crossed.
  • Use your arm strength to pull your body up, chin over the bar.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds depending on your endurance.
  • Extend your arms straight and lower yourself down slowly.
  • Repeat the exercise several times according to your ability.

Cobra Pose – Exercise to Improve Long Back and Short Legs

When listing exercises to improve a long back and short legs, it would be a significant omission to overlook the cobra pose. This position targets the back, neck, abdomen, and leg muscles. Regular and proper practice of this exercise brings many benefits to the practitioner, including: improving spine flexibility and strength, weight loss, reducing stress, and improving blood circulation.

In particular, fully extending the legs during the cobra pose also stimulates good leg bone development, increasing leg height, helping to alleviate the issue of short legs and a long back that you may be experiencing.

How to perform:

  • Start in a prone position, legs fully extended, arms relaxed and placed flat against the sides of the body.
  • Press both hands into the floor, palms beside the chest, use arm strength to lift the thighs and hips off the floor, raising the upper body high.
  • Continue to push the body upwards, pulling the shoulders back while keeping the hips firmly pressed down, eyes looking straight up towards the ceiling, chin pointing forward.
  • Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds, then release and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise 5-10 times per session.

High Knee Running – Exercise to Improve Long Back and Short Legs

High knee running requires you to maintain a high running speed over a short distance, demanding a good foundation of physical fitness and speed. Each stride in high knee running is much more extended than in normal running, which is excellent for stimulating leg bone development, increasing the length of your legs, reducing imbalance between the legs and back, and improving the condition of long back and short legs.

It’s advisable to maintain a routine of high knee running exercises 3-4 times per week to achieve the best results in improving the condition of long back and short legs.

Jump Rope – Exercise to Improve Long Back and Short Legs

Jump rope is also an optimal choice for those who haven’t achieved their desired leg length. Each time you jump over the rope, the joints in your legs continuously stretch, stimulating bone tissue expansion, increasing flexibility in the joints, and promoting bone cartilage development, thereby significantly lengthening the leg bones. Jumping rope also triggers the release of more growth hormones if done regularly, playing a crucial role in the natural height development process of individuals.

Jumping rope is suitable for both males and females, and the technique is relatively simple. You can practice it at home, school, or work whenever you have free time.

Read more: Does Jumping Rope Make You Taller?

Exercises to improve a long back and short legs can help you address some of your shortcomings. Take advantage of these exercises as early as possible to boost your confidence in your appearance and enhance your chances of success in life.

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